Product Line Overview

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Product Line Overview

The majority of the installed base of mechanical seals are legacy parts; older technology component and cartridge seal designs.

These products provide short life and are a primary cause of pump failures.

“Short Life” seals represent a significant cost burden to plants.

World Class “Long Life” Engineered Mechanical Seal Products


» Robust, proven, reliable designs which extend operating life
» Broad, comprehensive product line of engineered single, double & split seals
» Available in US & Metric Sizes
» An opportunity to replace low technology “Short Life” component & cartridge seals which represents 70% of the installed base
» Valuable patented split mechanical seal product line
» Robust design with patented rotary head accommodates broader applications and provides extended operating life
» US & Metric Product Line addresses 80% conversion of the packed equipment and existing split mechanical seal markets

DMS Products extend Pump MTBF and Save Plants Money!

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